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course description

We believe data science is not just a collection of techniques. The data scientist of the 21st century must be able to identify relevant problems, provide sensible analyses, and ultimately communicate their findings in meaningful ways. By the end of the Wharton Data Science Academy, students will not only be equipped with essential data science techniques such as data visualization and data wrangling but will also be exposed to modern machine learning methodologies, which are all building blocks for today’s AI field. Along the way, students will develop a working proficiency with the R language, which is among the most widely used by professional data scientists in both academia and industry.


What is so exciting about this course?

- Wharton instructors who are data science experts will lead the lectures and will also be available to students outside of class.

- Students will advance their skills with data from real-world cases and will be challenged to articulate their findings with a final project.

- Wharton undergraduate and graduate TAs will engage with students and share their experiences in studying data science.

- Guest speakers will share their wisdom of data science as a career.

- Students will work in teams to complete a final project and present to their peers at the end of the program.


Program Leader, Linda Zhao,  is a full professor of statistics in the Wharton School. By teaching various levels of students, including undergraduate, MBA, Master, and Ph.D, Linda is able to design and deliver state-of-the art machine learning skills to students from all different backgrounds. A fellow of the IMS, a leading international statistics organization, Linda has been actively engaged in her academic career. Her specialty falls in modern machine learning methods, replicability crisis in science, high dimensional data, housing price prediction, and Bayesian methods. Her work has won the NSF support for over 20 years.  






- 沃顿商学院的数据科学专家为学生讲座以及在可以再课外解答学生问题;

- 学生将利用实际案例中的数据去提高技能,并在严格的期末项目中阐述他们的发现;

- 沃顿商学院本科生和研究生将分享他们学习数据科学的经验;

- 嘉宾演讲者将分享作为数据科学的职业智慧;

- 学生将以小组为形式,在全体学生面前,进行最终的项目陈述。


本项目负责人Linda Zhao是沃顿商学院的统计学教授。通过教授各年级的学生,包括本科生、MBA、硕士和博士,Linda Zhao教授能够设计并向来自不同背景的学生传授最先进的机器学习技能。作为领先国际统计组织IMS的研究员,Linda Zhao教授在她的学术生涯中,一直积极前行。她的专业范围包括现代机器学习方法、科学中的可复制性危机、高维数据、房价预测和贝叶斯方法。NSF海军库存基金超过20多年一直支持她的工作。



- 在线申请

- 成绩单 

- 3封推荐信

- 个人essay

- 托福80以上

- 截止日期:4月7日
